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Discover Lisbon coffee shops

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Bloom coffee shop

Probably Lisbon's single entry in the niche 'Speciality Coffee and Flowers' category. It's in busy and bustly Sao Bento, down the road...

Fauna and Flora - Santos

This is the sister cafe to the one just off Almirante Reis in Anjos- the Santos location is much more zen as it's a quietish residential...

Dede's coffee house

I'd seen this place on, a site with an ambitious ninja/pirate coffee theme and a frankly headache-inducing...

How I drink coffee now

After a few months, I basically gave up on buying fancy foreign coffee (flat whites) as I just couldn't justify the cost. I'll go to the...

Melbourne Coffeehouse

Lost in the wilderness west of Jardim de Estrela is Melbourne Coffeehouse, a place that, outrageously, does not have its own website. It...

Fabrica/Copenhagen Coffee Lab

Essentially interchangeable coffee chains with good coffees, laughably expensive beans and tasty pastries. They've both nailed the...

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