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  • Writer's pictureChris Bean

Galeto (not a coffee shop, but you should go there)

Currently my favourite place to get a beer and a burger. It's got soft lighting and a quirky seating plan that puts everyone at the bar on stools. This is possible because the bar branches out all over the room, with the serving areas inside the branches. I don't know why they did this, but I like it. The overall effect is to present everyone for inspection, as you end up sitting across the serving area from other diners; and the people-watching doesn't disappoint: we went there on a Saturday afternoon and were much amused to spot that Galet0's is THE place for divorced Dads to take their sons. Niche offerings FTW.

The seating pattern also means that people eating by themselves aren't immediately obvious, as people are seated together with no gap if it's busy.

The fare is very much Portuguese-style diner - you can get your pregos and bifanas, but burger and steaks are also on offer, with waffles and crepes available to finish. As everywhere in Portugal, the coffee is cheap and punchy.

Get the meia/meia of chips and spinach smoothie (not mixed, don't worry) with your mains to feel like you're eating something healthy.

Bonus point: they serve Super Bock's "1827" range of 'beers that aren't lemonade', including a Weiss that I'm becoming fond of.

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