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  • Writer's pictureChris Bean

How I drink coffee now

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

After a few months, I basically gave up on buying fancy foreign coffee (flat whites) as I just couldn't justify the cost. I'll go to the Mill every so often for a nice brunch, ideally not on the weekend, but 3 euro something for a milky coffee is mental when a standard coffee is about 70 cents.

They have café, which is an espresso, cheio which is a filled espresso cup, abatanado, a long black/americano, and a meia de leite which is their version of a flat white. UHT milk is king, so look out for that slightly chemical flavour. Needless to say, I haven't bothered with meio de leite except in winter.

So I start the day with stovetop coffee, no milk, then a 'cafe' at a local place, then more of those as the day goes on. It's all short and it's all black.

If, however, I do go out for coffee, my ideal is the Velvet Punch in a Lotus Cup, which sounds like a cocktail or a yoga pose.

With any luck, it's a smallish cup in a lotus shape, with the coffee itself an alluring caramel colour. Lips touch a velvety top that isn't frothy, just smooth; it's a layer of micro-bubbles in the milk. I just looked it up and apparently it's called a meniscus. Yum! The heat of the coffee has caramelised the milk, which means there's a touch of sweetness followed by the enlivening smack of caffeine from the two shots of punchy arabica lurking below. If you're lucky, you've just ordered brunch and you're getting the buzz in first, knowing full well you'll need another after your avocado-based sensation. Phwoooaaaaar...

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